A. Bears Japan 181
(Grand-) Father Bear Getting Flowers from Bear Girl
Aldon Brown Bear with Empty Pot Ladle Chair and Red Frog
Bialosky Bear in Sock with Gifts ' Franklin '
Bialosky Bear on Shoulders Holding up Balls
Bialosky Two Bears Dancing In Bridal Dress ' Ted and Ginger '
Bialosky Two Bears on Sleigh ' Sam and T.B. Bear '
Cub Bringing Gift to Mother
Global Art Football Bear 7
Otagiri ' Teddy Bear's Picnic '
Also carries label: 'Village Hearth Mooravia CA', suppose shop where it was sold.
Otagiri Baby Bear in Box or Chair
Otagiri Bear in Navy Blue with Sailing Ship
Otagiri Bear in Tub
Otagiri Bear Playing Bass
Otagiri Bear with Gramophone and Cub with Record
Otagiri Couple Dancing
Otagiri Couple in Formal Dress
Otagiri Cub Grey in Bed with Brown Bear Standing Besides Bed
Otagiri Cub with Teddy Bear
Otagiri Kirby Koala
Otagiri Two Bears Carrying Large Jar with Red Hearts Lid
Otagiri Two Bears on Green Chair
Also carries label: 'Village Hearth Mooravia CA', suppose shop where it was sold.
Rotating Bear on Ball on Top Box with Gifts
Schmid Bear with Flute AND Bear Coming Out Building Blocks
Schmid Red Bear Clown
Spencer Sitting Brown Bear on Green Field