WELCOME to the World Largest Collections




                        This virtual MUSEUM gives a broad view of Music Boxes and

                        Musical Toys marketed in the USA and Europe in the period

                        1945-1990 (1945 start of industrialized making of cylinders

                        rather than hand made before, making prices accessible to all

                        and 1990, the start of Chinese production).

                        In addition, in TUNES it gives the code for songs for hundreds

                        of Reuge and Sankyo cylinders.

                        And MAINTENANCE gives you tips for music mechanisms.

                        We have hundreds of MUSIC BOXES FOR SALE and also

                        MUSICAL TOYS FOR SALE.

                        The total of both Collections is over 6,000 pieces. This is still

                        only a small but representative part of all boxes and toys on

                        the market in that period.

                        The MUSIC BOXES COLLECTION is subdivided in 210

                        categories for easy access.

                        The MUSICAL TOYS COLLECTION in 45 categories.

                        Collection items are Not For Sale.

                        All boxes/toys are described in detail and with photos.

                        Please Enjoy.

                        CONTACT by email Only: themusicboxman.45.90@gmail.com